It is best to not spend money on your home when you are trying to sell it. Selling your home is easier if you get free calls. What about serious buyers? Are serious buyers more likely to pay attention to certain websites than others? Or is it random? Selling your house can be difficult. Many articles claim to provide quick results. Some of these Realtors In Sedona Arizona articles can be quite expensive. Craigslist is one of the most popular websites on the internet. Craigslist users are serious, but how serious? Not too serious if you ask me. Craigslist scammers can exist, and this can cause more problems than it solves. I would advise that you hide your email address from potential buyers. Instead, just post your phone number on the internet. This will reduce the spam and other junk that Craigslist sends. Craigslist can be a great way to sell your house by owner, but there are downsides. and are popular websites offering free listings as well as other services such signs and flat-fee listings. These are all great tools for helping you sell your house by owner. Flat fee listings are another option. They offer more substance than simply listing your home on any website. Flat fee MLS listings or by owner MLS listings are great ways to sell your house by owner. You also gain access to multiple listing services. This is the database used by realtors and connects you with tons of websites. It's nice to be on popular websites like and You can list as a realtor on websites like or